
The first step is to head to the GitHub repository and download the latest release for your operating system. polsim is only available for 64-bit operating systems because it's 2019. Here is what the filename will look like for each supported operating system:

  • Windows: polsim-<version>
  • macOS: polsim-<version>-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz
  • Linux: polsim-<version>-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz

The next step is to extract the archive you just downloaded and put the executable file somewhere. For Windows, the executable will be called polsim.exe, and for macOS and Linux the executable will be called polsim. polsim doesn't need to be put anywhere special, so you can put it wherever you want.

polsim is a command line program, so you'll be using a shell (cmd.exe on Windows, Terminal on macOS, etc) to interact with it. Your shell needs to know where to find polsim in order to use it, so you have two options:

  • Put polsim in a directory, then avigate to this directory each time you want to use polsim.
  • Put polsim in a directory, then add that directory to your shell's PATH so you can use polsim from any directory.

The second option is more convenient (in my opinion), so it's the recommended option. If you need help adding a directory to your shell's PATH, here are some guides for each supported operating system: